b'#technology, such as community-alarm systems andcovering things such as accessible and community tracking devices; transport, Blue Badges and bus passes. Visit #day services and support groups; www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org/living-#respite services, including short breaks for yourindependently/getting-out-and-about/.family and friend carers;#meals on wheels; and Staying safe in your home#care and support at home (this may include personalStaying safe from firecare such as help with bathing and dressing and helpWest Sussex Fire and Rescue Service (WSFRS) offer a at mealtimes). number of different home safety checks to help keep The Connect to Support website is a helpful startingyou safe in your home. place for finding out more. Visit the Health conditionsMaking sure your home is a safe place is important and disabilities section of for everyone, especially if you smoke, have a physical www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org. or sensory disability (eyesight or hearing difficulty), Prevention Assessment Team memory problem or long-term medical condition.The Prevention Assessment Team (PAT) providesIf you are concerned about fire safety at home, or you information, advice and guidance to people throughoutare concerned for a family member or someone else, the county and directs people to appropriate servicesyou can carry out a free online safety check. This will to help them stay healthy and continue to live asprovide step-by-step guidance on how to reduce the independently as possible at home, and as part ofrisk of fire in the home. their local community. The team is made up of ourWSFRS also offer Safe and Well Visits to those most community prevention officers, nurses from Sussexin need. This is a free service that involves a member Community Foundation NHS Trust, and communityof staff from WSFRS visiting your home to offer advice support workers from Age UK West Sussex, Brightonon how to make it safer and, where appropriate, to and Hove and Guild Care. The PAT works with peoplefit smoke alarms or other specialist fire-detection aged 18 and over to provide advice to people whoequipment, free of charge. do not receive other specialist health or social careWSFRS may also provide a free carbon monoxide services, and to direct them to services that maydetector, as the people who are likely to have a fire in benefit them. This service is for people who want,the home share many of the same characteristics as and are able, to act on the information and advicethose most likely to be affected by carbon monoxide provided, or who have someone who can do this forpoisoning. Staff always carry identification and will them. PAT nurses also help deliver the NHS healthcontact you to arrange the visit beforehand.check programme.You can contact the PAT Monday to Friday fromFor more information, please call 0345 872 9719 or 9.30am to 3.30pm. Phone 0330 222 24222 or visit www.westsussex.gov.uk/homefiresafetycheck.email prevention@westsussex.gov.uk. Staying safe onlineHelping you get out and about As more of us are using the internet to keep in touch If you need support getting out and about, therewith friends and family, to shop and to find information, are various sources of help and advice available,it is important to make sure you know how to stay safe Supporting you to live well9'