b'Contact us form on the How to get adult social care#access to respite care services and short breaks from support section of our website.your caring role;You can also call using Relay UK on #a network of local support groups;18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or the#a range of equipment to support the person you NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tabletcare for to live independently;orsmartphone). #a carer emergency contact scheme for if you suddenly become unwell and cannot carry out your Support for family and friendsnormal caring role;who providecare #a discount card for carers (in partnership with A carer is someone of any age who regularly provideslocalbusinesses);unpaid support to a family member or friend who could#benefits advice; andnot manage without their help. We want to make sure#the opportunity to become involved in shaping local that people who regularly provide unpaid care areservices through the Carers Voice Network.supported and have their needs and wellbeing takenYou can also find information, advice and resources into account. specifically designed for family and friend carers on our If you are an adult carer you have the right to have yourWest Sussex Connect to Support website atneeds assessed, even if the person you care for has notwww.westsussexconnecttosupport.org/carers-hub.had their needs assessed or is not receiving any servicesCarers Support West Sussex from us. The person you care for does not have to livePhone: 0300 028 8888 with you, but they must live in West Sussex. You do notEmail: info@carerssupport.org.uk need to live in West Sussex for us to assess your needs. Website: www.carerssupport.org.uk Carers Support West Sussex is a specialist carer support organisation that has a contract with us toCarers Health Teamcarry out carer assessments on our behalf.This is a team of health professionals who work on a They will look at what you have told them and considerone-to-one basis with family and friend carers whose what support is available to you through your ownhealth is beginning to suffer as a result of their caring networks and through community services provided byresponsibilities. You can be referred to this service carer organisations. if there is evidence that your caring role is having a significant effect on your physical or emotional health If your needs cannot be met in this way, we will work out(or both). You can be referred by your GP, health and how much money may be available to pay for supportsocial care services, voluntary organisations or carers to meet your needs, or we may provide extra supportsupport services. You can also refer yourself.to the person you care for if this would help you. Phone: 01243 623521 Carers Support West Sussex provides practicalEmail: sc-tr.carerwellbeing@nhs.netinformation, advice and emotional support, making sure each adult carer knows what help is available. Young carersSupport from Carers Support West Sussex includes: If you are a young carer under the age of 18, caring for #a helpline which provides practical informationsomeone with a disability or long-term illness who cant andsupport; manage without your support, you have the right to have Supporting you to live well13'