b'#systems that help your memory; UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or #systems that monitor your wellbeing andtheNGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet environment and warn someone you have chosenor smartphone).beforehand if your health deteriorates; You can find out more about Millbrook Healthcare by #equipment to detect if you have a fall; visiting their website at www.millbrookhealthcare.#equipment to monitor your door if there areco.uk/pages/west-sussex-community-equipment-concerns over you leaving home without support; service or phoning 0345 127 2931.#equipment to detect dangers in your home, such asIf you need to hire a wheelchair the British Red Cross smoke, floods and gas leaks; are able to assist. There are other local services #equipment to remind you to take your medication; available too. #digital support to help you make decisions, manageVisit www.redcross.org.uk/get-help/hire-a-wheelchair anxiety and carry out certain tasks; and or call 0300 456 1914.#switches to help you use equipment. For a permanent or made-to-measure wheelchair, visit In West Sussex, technology-enabled care is providedsussexcommunity.nhs.uk and search under wheelchair by NRS Healthcare, following a referral by a health orand seating service. A referral may be required from social care professional. NRS Healthcare also provideyour GP or current Allied Health Professional.technology-enabled care to private customers, as do aOccupational therapywide range of national and local providers.To find out more about the technology-enabled careCommunity occupational therapy can make it possible services that are available where you live, contact ourfor you to live more independently and reduce the Adults CarePoint by calling 01243 642121 or usingneed for help from others. Staff from our occupational the Contact us form on the How to get adult socialtherapy service will provide you with information and care support section of our website.advice. They can also connect you to support in your local community, or they may provide equipment or You can also call using Relay UK on 18001 01243make arrangements to adapt your home.642121 (from a textphone or the NGT Lite appYou can ask for support by contacting our Adults downloaded onto a computer, tablet or smartphone). CarePoint by calling 01243 642121 or using the For more information, visit Contact us form on the How to get adult social care www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org support section of our website. You can also call and search under Equipment. using Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a Equipment computer, tablet or smartphone).There is a wide range of equipment to support you toRegaining Independence Servicemanage everyday tasks and stay independent. We can provide you with information and advice on where toTo help you regain your independence, staff in our get equipment to help you if you would like to buy thisOccupational Therapy Service work alongside ECL yourself. Or, after assessing your needs, we can provide(our care provider) to provide you with a short-term equipment to help with activities such as: reablement programme in your own home. If you live #getting into and out of bed; in your own home and you have difficulty carrying out #going to the toilet; day-to-day activities, this service can help you re-learn how to do things such as:#bathing; and #getting dressed;#getting about at home. #walking around your home and accessing your For more information, visit localcommunity;www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org/living- #washing or bathing; andindependently/equipment. #making hot drinks and meals.We lend the equipment to you free of charge throughYou may need this service after a stay in hospital, or the Community Equipment Service, which is providedjust because you have not been coping as well as you by Millbrook Healthcare. The service is available forwould like at home.anyone who lives permanently in West Sussex, or who is registered with a West Sussex GP surgery. One of ourThe service is free for the period of reablement your staff will talk to you to identify what you may need andoccupational therapist has identified that you need. If what we have available. you still need support after the reablement programme For more information contact our Adults CarePointends, your occupational therapist will look into by calling 01243 642121 or using the Contact uslonger-term arrangements to help you stay at home. form on the How to get adult social care supportIf you would like to discuss whether this service is right section of our website. You can also call using Relayfor you, please contact us by calling 01243 642121 Supporting you to live well11'