b'Supporting youto live wellIntroductionWelcome to your West Sussex Care Guide 2024 to 2025 which provides information and guidance about care and support services for adults in the county, as well as advice on staying safe and well. It is also an easy-to-understand guide tothe way adult social care services work in West Sussex.We believe that people should have the bestShare the information about the persons needs with opportunity to lead healthy and independent livesother social care or NHS providers as part of any and, wherever it is reasonable and safe to do so, theyreferral or handover process.are supported to stay in their own homes for as longMeet the needs by making sure that the person as possible, rather than having to move to long-termgets the information they need in a format they can residential care. understand and that they receive any communication We recommend you take the time to consider thesupport they need.different options that are available to support your independence. There is a charge for some of theseOther formats availableservices, and you may find it useful to plan ahead andIf you would like the information in this guide in another consider how you will pay for them.format, such as on audio CD or in Easy Read, please This guide provides details of domiciliary care services,contact Adults CarePoint by calling 01243 642121 day care services and extra-care housing schemesor using the Contact us form on the How to get adult in alphabetical order. (Domiciliary care services aresocial care support section of our website. You can also services that provide personal care and support forcall using Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from people living in their own homes.) a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet or smartphone).Care homes and care homes with nursing are listed inTo make sure you have the most up-to-date information county geographical areas and the colours of the tabson registered care services, check the Care Quality at the bottom of the pages relate to the colours asCommissions website at www.cqc.org.uk.shown on the map on pages 32 and 33. The cost of producing the care guide is covered by theAcknowledgementsmoney made from allowing companies to advertise inWe would like to acknowledge the support of our it. We do not make a profit from this publication. advertisers and sponsors as without them it would not Accessible Information Standard be possible to publish this guide.All organisations that provide NHS or social care services must meet the Accessible InformationThe Councils disclaimerStandard. The standard sets out the approach that organisations must use to make sure that peopleWe, West Sussex County Council, produce this guide for information only. We accept no responsibility or liability for with disabilities have access to information in formatsthe accuracy or the completeness of the information and that they can understand. The standard also tellsmaterials in this guide, including the CQC ratings shown organisations how to support peoples communicationinthe adverts.needs, for example, by offering a British Sign LanguageWe will not, under any circumstances, be held responsible (BSL) interpreter, deafblind interpreter or an advocateor liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses or (someone to represent you).costs, including any direct or indirect damages or loss, resulting from or arising directly or indirectly from you using Organisations must do the following five things: any of the information in this guide.We do not accept any responsibility or liability for any Ask people if they have any communication needs. decision you make using information in this guide. You are Make a record of the persons needs responsible for all decisions involving care and support that you make using information in this guide.Highlight the needs very clearly on the persons records.Supporting you to live well5'