b'How to report a safeguarding concern You have the right to move to another home or have If you or someone you know is at risk of being abused oranother home-care provider if you are not happy with neglected, fill in the safeguarding concern form at www. the service you are receiving. This applies whether or westsussex.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/social-care- not we are helping with the fees. A social care worker support/adults/raise-a-concern-about-an-adult. will be able to give you or your relatives advice on how to make the arrangements to move.If you cannot use the online form, please call AdultsIf you (or your representative) want to make a comment CarePoint on 01243 642121. Call using Relay UK:or complaint about the way in which we have assessed 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or theyour care needs, or about any social care services we NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tabletprovide, you should contact the manager of your social orsmartphone). care team. If you do not want to deal with this person, you Further information can contact our Customer Relations Team. We will look You can find out more about adult safeguarding into your complaint in line with our complaints procedures.from the Safeguarding Adults Board website at The quickest and easiest way to make a complaint is www.westsussexsab.org.uk. to tell us online at www.westsussex.gov.uk/about-the-Please also see the Safeguarding Adults Boardcouncil/have-your-say/complaints/make-a-complaint-leaflet Adult SafeguardingIs somebody you knowor-appeal/ or go to www.westsussex.gov.uk and experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect?. To readsearch for complaints.this online, visit westsussex.gov.uk and search underIf you cannot use the online form, please call us on Adults social care publications. 01243 777100 and ask for the Customer Relations Or you can ask for a paper copy of the leaflet by callingTeam. Please help us to keep this helpline for people Adults CarePoint on 01243 642121 or using thewho cannot use the online form, need help to do so, or Contact us form on the How to get adult social carewant general advice about the complaints process. If support section of our website. You can also call usingyou need an interpreter to help you make a complaint, Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphoneplease call 01243 777100 and ask to use the or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer,Telephone Interpreting Service.tablet or smartphone). Call using Relay UK: 18001 01243 777100 (from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a What to do if you are not happycomputer, tablet or smartphone).about a service Write to: Customer Relations Team, West Sussex All organisations providing community-care andCounty Council, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQsupport services in West Sussex are committed toRemember, we would also like to hear if things are providing high-quality services, but there may be timesgoing particularly well.when you are not entirely satisfied.If you are not happy with the service that is being provided,Healthwatch West Sussexyou should first raise your complaint with the owner orHealthwatch is your independent health and social manager of the service, using their complaints procedure,care champion. It aims to make sure NHS leaders and so they can try to deal with your concerns. If that doesntother decision-makers hear your voice and use your work, the next step depends on how your service is paid for. feedback to improve care. If you pay for the service yourself Healthwatch will direct you to information and advice If you are not satisfied with the way your concernto help you make independent, informed choices about or complaint is dealt with, or you do not feel able toyour health and care. approach the owner or manager, you can contact theIt is important that you share your experiences, good or Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. bad, to make things better now, and improve the way Email: through the website at www.lgo.org.ukservices in West Sussex are designed and delivered in Phone: 0300 061 0614 (Lines are open Monday tothe future. Friday. Opening times vary so please check their website.)Phone: 0300 012 0122 Write to: The Local Government and Social CareEmail: helpdesk@healthwatchwestsussex.co.uk Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 OEH. Website: www.healthwatchwestsussex.co.ukIf we are paying towards your careHealthwatch West Sussex also provides a free andsupport Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint isto support people who may want to complain about dealt with, or you do not feel able to approach the ownerNHSservices. or manager of the care home or service, you shouldCall 0300 012 0122 or emailcontact your local Adults Services office or the Customerihcas@healthwatchwestsussex.co.uk.Relations Team, who will give you more advice.26Living well in your community 2024/25'