b'available, visit the West Sussex Connect to Support#checking pipes are insulated to avoid them freezing, website at www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org/ and knowing where to turn off your water in case you living-independently/equipment. need to.If you cant manage to go to the shops, you could haveVisit www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk.your shopping (or meals) delivered to your home. See the NHS website for more information about Meals on wheels from Health andstaying warm in winter. www.nhs.uk/live-well/Independent Living Support (HILS) seasonal-health/keep-warm-keep-well/For advice and information on keeping your energy bills Meals on wheels is another option to consider if you finddown, including help with the energy price rises, visit it difficult to prepare meals. HILS provides the mealswww.westsussexenergy.co.uk.on wheels service on our behalf. When the HILS West Sussex team deliver your meal, they will also check thatKeeping cool in summeryou are safe and well. They will contact someone for youMost of us enjoy being outside in the sunshine when if you need help or if you are not at home. All HILS teamthe weather is warm. However, it is important to members have had relevant Disclosure and Barringmakesure your health does not suffer as a result of Service (DBS) checks and will always be wearing theirhigh temperatures.HILS uniform and ID badge when visiting you. All the meals they provide meet National Association of CareFollow these tips to stay safe in hot weather.Catering (NACC) standards. #Keep out of the heat if you can. If you have to go HILS provides the meals on wheels service every dayoutside try to stay in the shade, especially between of the year, including bank holidays and weekends. The11am and 3pm. Protect your skin with sunscreen meals are delivered between 11am and 2pm. You canof at least SPF 30, wear light clothes and a hat, order meals as a one-off, for a temporary period, or forand sunglasses to protect your eyes against UV as long as you would like them. A two-course hot meal(ultraviolet) light.costs 8.50. When you order a hot meal, you also have#Drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated. Aim to drink the option of ordering a tea pack, which costs 4.40six to eight glasses of liquid each day, and more if its and contains a cream tea or fresh sandwich, a dessertvery hot. Avoid drinking alcohol.and a snack. If you order a tea pack, it will be delivered#Watch out for signs of your body overheating, at the same time as your hot meal and HILS will put it inincluding muscle cramps in your legs, arms or your fridge for you to enjoy later. (Please note, all pricesstomach, feeling or being sick, dizziness, headache, quoted are correct at the time of printing.) mild confusion or feeling weak. If you have any of You can order the meals yourself, or your carers,these symptoms, drink plenty of fluids and rest in a friends, or family members can order on your behalf.cool place. Get medical advice if the symptoms dont You can order (and cancel if necessary) up to 9.30amease after doing this.on the delivery day. For further information, visit www.ageuk.org.uk and The service is available to all West Sussex postcodes. search advice for staying cool in a heatwave or visit www.nhs.uk and search for heatwave: how to cope in For more information and to order meals, please visithot weather.www.hils-uk.org or give the HILS West Sussex team a call on 0330 2000 103 (select option 2). Or you canDementia care and supportemail westsussex@hils-uk.org.Many people with dementia live well at home and Keeping warm in winter continue to do the things they enjoy for a long time after they receive their diagnosis. There is lots of In winter, its even more important to keep yourself wellcommunity care and support available in West Sussex to help avoid colds, flu and other more serious healthto help you live a good-quality life in the familiar problems. The West Sussex Wellbeing website offerssurroundings of your own home for as long as possible.practical advice on how to keep warm. Top tips include: Early diagnosis of dementia gives you and your #heating your home to at least 18C (65F); family the opportunity to plan for the future and get #keeping movingany activity, even cleaning, getsinformation, advice and support. In many cases, your the circulation going and makes you feel warmer; first point of contact should be your GP for health-care #wrapping up in several layers of clothing, indoorsservices and a diagnosis, or Adults Services for most andoutdoors; community-care opportunities.#getting your heating system checked to make sure itExamples of community care include:is working safely and efficiently (make sure you have#information, advice and support for you and your working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarmsfamily and friend carers;in your home);#advice on equipment and adaptations to your home #ordering winter fuel before you need it, so you dontto make it safer and easier for you to move around run out; and and do everyday tasks;8Living well in your community 2024/25'