b'You can find information about all these services in thisCare and support at home may help you with:guide and also by visiting the West Sussex Connect to#getting up and going to bed, washing and bathing Support website at (personal care) and taking medication;www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org. #heating ready-prepared food or preparing simple Or you can contact our Adults CarePoint by callingmeals such as breakfast;01243 642121 or using the Contact us form on the How to get adult social care support section of#settling back in at home following a stay in hospital;ourwebsite. #housework such as washing and cleaning;You can also call using Relay UK on #cooking, shopping, collecting prescriptions and other 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or thetasks; andNGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet#getting out and about.orsmartphone). Organisations that provide personal care as part The role of the Care Quality Commission of their care and support at home service must be registered with the CQC.The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of all adult social care and health servicesCare workers can also stay with you overnight or in England. All domiciliary care services that provideprovide company for you while your family goes out.personal care, care homes and private health-careHelp can vary from an hour a week to help several services must be registered with the CQC. times a day, or a live-in service in your home. The The CQCs job is to make sure all care homes andpattern and type of service should be designed around domiciliary care providers meet the Governmentsyour needs and preferences.fundamental standards of quality and safety. You canHow can I find someone to help me?get copies of the CQCs inspection reports on each home and domiciliary care provider from the CQC orThere are different types of support available from the organisation itself, and you should take thesedepending on your needs.into account when making a decision. #Employ your own care workerif you receive a If an inspection of a care home or domiciliary caredirect payment from us, you can employ your own provider highlights outcomes that do not meet thecare worker (who does not need to be registered CQCs standards, the CQC gives the service a period ofwith the CQC) or make arrangements with a care time to put any problems right. If the service fails to doagency direct. This gives you more choice in who this, the CQC can take enforcement action which couldprovides support to you, and some care workers or mean their registration with the CQC is cancelled. agencies may specialise in supporting people with complex needs and dementia care if you need this.If you want to find out what to expect from a good#Employ a personal assistantif you receive a service, go to www.cqc.org.uk/care-services/what- direct payment from us, you can use it to employ expect-good-care-service. a personal assistant to support you with various There is useful information about all registered careaspects of daily life.services, and details of any review of a care home or#Companies providing personal care (who must be care provider, on the CQCs website at www.cqc.org.uk. registered with the CQC)these are listed in this Or you can phone 03000 616161 or fill in an onlineguide on pages 48 to 66. You can contact them contact form at www.cqc.org.uk/give-feedback-on-care. direct to find out more about their services. They will be happy to meet you to discuss your needs.Care and support at home #Live-in carerslive-in carers provide support to meet your needs, including providing personal care If you, or someone you are supporting, are finding itand companionship. This can often help you to stay increasingly difficult to manage day-to-day tasks, therein your own home. You can find a list of live-in care are different options available to help you to continueproviders on pages 66 to 74.to live safely in your home, or in alternative housing with support. We recommend that you consider theseHow much will it cost?options and decide which would best suit your needs. Care and support at home companies all charge Care and support at home, sometimes calleddifferent rates, and the amount you are charged will domiciliary care, home care or care at home, helps youdepend on the service you need and when you need it. stay independent by supporting you to manage manyIf you are looking for care or support in your own home aspects of daily living, including your personal care. from a company providing personal care or a personal assistant, you could expect to pay between around These services are provided by independent or15 and 35 an hour depending on the type of service. voluntary organisations and they can prevent the needLive-in carer costs can start from around 800 a week, for residential or nursing care. but again this will depend on your needs, the service to be provided and the company providing the service.16Living well in your community 2024/25'