b'form, the social care worker will look at what you haveIf you are not eligible for funded support, we will told us as part of your assessment. provide information and advice to help you arrange If urgent action is needed to protect your safety andthesupport you need.reduce serious risk, we can provide support before youIf your circumstances change, please contact us again have a full assessment of your needs. to discuss your social care needs.How we work out if you are eligible forIf you would like more information about the way funded support we deliver social care support, please contact our Adults CarePoint by calling 01243 642121 or using We make sure that we treat everyone fairly, and thatthe Contact us form on the How to get adult social people who are most in need receive the highest levelcare support section of our website. You can also call of support. To do this we use national guidelines to helpusing Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from a us understand whether peoples needs mean they aretextphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a eligible to receive funded support from us. This appliescomputer, tablet or smartphone).to people who need social care and their family and friend carers. Planning your supportWhen considering whether you are eligible, we useAfter discussing your assessment with us, you will need information from your assessment and look at theto develop a support plan with one of our staff. The goals or outcomes you want to achieve. plan will describe how you will use your personal budget You will not be eligible to receive a service paid for byto achieve the results you want (your outcomes). Our us if you:staff will help you understand your options and how to get the best support with the money available to you. #have savings or investments of more than 23,250They will help you think about different ways that you (if you are receiving care in your own home orcan get support, and they can find the services you community care, this does not include the value ofneed and work out the costs.your main or only home) or you have enough incomeWe will regularly review your support plan with you to (not including earnings from paid employment) toconsider any change in your needs or circumstances.pay for your own care; and#can arrange the care for yourself, or there isHelp with arranging and buying services in someone willing and able to do this for you. the communityFor more information and advice, go to the sectionIf you have eligible social care needs but have savings Paying for your own care if you have investments andor investments over 23,250 (not including the value savings of more than 23,250 on page 20. You shouldof your main or only home), you will have to pay for your also consider getting independent financial advice, toown care. If this applies to you, we can help you arrange make the best use of your assets and money (see pageand buy the services you want. We call this a brokerage 22 for more details). service. The brokerage service only covers services in If you are eligible for support paid for by us, a fundingthe community which we have a legal duty to provide in allocation system will calculate how much money will beorder to meet your eligible social care needs. available to buy support to meet your care needs withinWe charge 212 for this service. If you want us to your own home. This money is your personal budget.review your support again at a later date, we will make You may have to pay towards the cost of your socialanother charge of 212. If you want us to buy services care and support. This is known as your contribution. for you and then reclaim the cost from you, we will We can pay your personal budget in a number of ways. charge you an ongoing charge of 6.50 per week.Direct payments: This is where we pay your personalIf you do have to pay for your own care, but you cannot budget direct to you, or to someone, such as a familymake decisions and arrange your own support, and member, who can act on your behalf if you are notyou have no one to help you, we will do this for you free able to agree to receive direct payments. We load yourof charge. Once you have a financial representative, personal budget onto a prepaid card, and you use theyou will have to pay an ongoing fee of 6.50 per week money to pay for support to meet your care needs. if we continue to arrange and buy services for you. A financial representative will usually be appointed by the If you feel that you cannot manage a prepaid cardCourt of Protection.account and you would like to discuss another way to receive your direct payments, speak to your social carePaying for your own care and supportworker. They will be able to give you advice and explainWe can provide you with information, advice and help your options. to plan the support you need. For example, we can give Council-managed budget: This is where we manageyou information about care providers, prevention and the budget and arrange social care support for you.wellbeing services, equipment, community activities You can also have a combination of these choices forand care funding advice.receiving your personal budget.Supporting you to live well15'