b'your needs assessed, regardless of who you care for,that is available in your local community to prevent or what type of care you provide, or how often you providedelay the increase of your social care needs.it. If you are aged 16 or 17 you also have the right to aWe may offer you a social care assessment to identify transition assessment to look at the support you maywhat you would like to achieve and to talk about the need as you turn 18 and become a young adult carer. options that are available to you. You may find it useful West Sussex Young Carers (Family) Service use ato carry out a self-assessment, which helps you to think whole family approach to meet the needs of youngabout your circumstances and what needs to change. carers. The team make sure that young carers areYou can use the self-assessment form to help you plan only providing care that is appropriate for their ageand pay for your own support.and that they have the best possible opportunities, inIf you want to contact us about a social care terms of education, career prospects, friendships andassessment, you can send us your filled-in relationships. Services provided may include: self-assessment form for us to consider as part of #a whole-family assessment, looking at the strengths,our discussion with you. You do not have to fill in a challenges and support needs of each person inself-assessment form before contacting us.yourfamily;#practical information and support for yourThere is also a self-assessment form for family and wholefamily; friend carers and a financial self-assessment to help you think about your finances and how you will pay for #time out from your caring role to do the things otheryour care.children or young people enjoy doing;#access to a range of equipment to help with yourYou can find the self-assessment and financial self-caring role; assessment forms on our Connect to Support website at www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org in the Care #counselling and play therapy; and Options section. Or you can ask our Adults CarePoint #putting you in touch with positive role models throughfor a paper copy. Call 01243 642121 or use the our volunteer mentoring and transport projects. Contact us form on the How to get adult social care This team also develop training and resources forsupport section of our website. other professionals to help them identify and provideYou can also call using Relay UK onappropriate support to young carers and their families. 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or the Email: youngcarers@westsussex.gov.uk (for generalNGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tablet enquiries, to make a referral or ask for a referral form)orsmartphone).Phone: 01903 270300 Who is entitled to an assessment?How we support people withIf you think you need social care services, you can ask us to assess your needs. This does not mean we will pay social care needs for your care at the end of the assessment, as you may not be eligible for funding.Understanding your social care needsOur aim is to support you to live independently inFamily and friends who are carers also have the right to your own home for as long as possible. We providean assessment.information and advice and can direct you to supportA member of staff will talk to you about your circumstances. If you have filled in a self-assessment 14Living well in your community 2024/25'