b'It is important that you receive all the benefits anda textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a payments you are entitled to, and that you getcomputer, tablet or smartphone).independent financial advice when you are choosing a home to meet your needs. This can help make sure thatFinancial help and support you may be you can afford to pay for your care, and avoid the needentitled toto move to another home with lower fees. If you have investments and savings of more than Carewise is a care-funding scheme that helps people23,250 (this may include the value of your main get good information and advice about the range ofor only home), you will have to pay for residential or care and support options available to meet their needsnursing home care yourself. The value of your main or and the most cost-effective ways of paying for long- only home will not be taken into account when we are term care. See page 22 for more information. deciding if you are eligible for financial help from us if It is important that you make sure you can afford theany of the following people continue to live there.fees for the foreseeable future. If your investments#Your partnerand savings fall below 23,250 you may become#Your child who is aged under 18eligible for financial support from us, following an#A relative who is aged 60 or over or is incapacitatedassessment. We will only be able to help with your feesA person may be considered to be incapacitated if they in the future if we have carried out an assessment ofare receiving one or more of the state benefits listed your care needs, the home of your choice is suitable forbelow (or a similar benefit) or if their situation qualifies your needs and the fees are not more than we wouldthem to receive one of the benefits.normally expect to pay.#Employment and Support AllowanceThe most we would normally pay for your care are the(support component)rates set out on page 23. #Universal Credit (limited capability for work and What happens if I run out of money andwork-related activity component)cant pay my care fees? #Disability Living AllowanceYour savings can reduce very quickly when you are paying#Personal Independence Payment (PIP)care home fees. This can be a difficult and unsettling#Attendance Allowancesituation and is one of the reasons why we recommend#Constant Attendance Allowanceyou get specialist independent financial advice as soon as#Armed Forces Independence Paymentpossible, and preferably before you move into your careEven if you are paying for residential or nursing home (see the Carewise section on page 22). home care yourself, you can still ask us to assess your Contact us six months before your investmentscommunity-care needs. If you are moving into a care and savings reduce to below 23,250 (or sooner ifhome, you may be entitled to some of the following possible). We will refer you to a welfare benefits adviserfinancial help and support.for an initial review. We also recommend that you talk#Attendance Allowanceto your care provider to explain your situation. #Personal Independence PaymentContact Adults CarePoint by phoning 01243 642121#12-week property disregard (where we do not take or using the Contact us form on the How to get adultinto account the value of your property for the first social care support section of our website. You can also12 weeks after you move into the care home, unless call using Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (fromyour property is sold within that 12-week period)Supporting you to live well21'