b'#Deferred payment agreement (a legal agreement,skills and abilities. Specialist independent financial similar to a mortgage, that allows you to use theadvisers can guide you through your financial options value of your property to pay the cost of yourif you will be paying for your own care. There may be a residential care at a later date) number of financial solutions to help you to keep your #NHS-funded nursing care contribution (see below) investments and savings while paying for your care.#NHS continuing healthcare funding It is important to plan for your long-term care to make If you are moving into a care home with nursing (asure that you consider all your options, invest your nursing home) you may also be eligible to have partsavings and any money from selling your property of your fees paid by a contribution from the NHS.(ifthis applies) wisely, and protect any remaining money This payment is called an NHS-funded nursing careyou have. If you are considering a residential or nursing contribution and is paid to the care home. A nursehome for yourself, or an older relative, it is in everyones will assess your needs to see if you need care frombest interests to get independent financial advice a registered nurse. If the assessment shows you dobefore making important life-changing decisions.need care from a registered nurse, the NHS may payHow Carewise can help235.88 as a contribution towards the weekly fees.Carewise is an important part of the Adults Services You will still have to pay for your accommodation andinformation and advice service. We set it up, working personal care. with Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove, This care guide includes a benefits and paymentsthe Society of Later Life Advisers (a not-for-profit checklist to help you understand the benefits you mayconsumer organisation) and West Sussex Partners in be eligible for. Care, to help people make well-informed choices when planning long-term care for themselves or a relative.Specialist independent financial adviceCarewise has a panel of care fees specialists who are about long-term care in a residential orqualified independent financial advisers specialising in nursing home providing advice about choosing and paying for long-If you have to pay the full cost of your residential orterm care. The advisers:nursing home from your own investments or savings,#are accredited by the Society of Later Life Advisers;you are a self-funder. Some residential or nursing#are approved under the Trading Standards Buy with homes will ask for evidence that you can pay your careConfidence scheme;fees for at least the first two years. It is important that#have a Disclosure and Barring Service check; andyou understand all the options for paying for long-term care and we strongly recommend that you get specialist#have received training on safeguarding adults at risk advice from a qualified independent financial adviserof neglect or abuse.as soon as you need care. The independent financialThe Carewise-approved care fees specialists are adviser will help you find out if you are entitled to anyindependent of us and other Carewise partners. The benefits and payments and help you to plan and makefirst consultation with a Carewise care fees specialist well-informed decisions about the best way to pay foris free. The care fees specialist will be clear with you your care and support over the long term. about the cost of any future advice.Advising older people about their financial circumstancesCarewise also provides access to information and and needs is a specialist area and financial advisers whoadvice about care and support options through Age UK provide this service need to have extra qualifications, 22Living well in your community 2024/25'