b'West Sussex, Brighton and Hove, who offer a telephoneinvestments of more than 23,250, we will expect you and face-to-face service. It also provides a free moneyto pay the full cost of your care until the value of your advice service, which offers independent, confidentialsavings and investments reduces to 23,250.and jargon-free information on all matters relating toOnce we have agreed how much you must contribute personal finance. to the cost of your care, we will make up the difference Phone: 0330 222 7000between your contribution and the care homes fees as Email: carewise@westsussex.gov.uklong as the home does not charge more than we would Website: www.carewiseadvice.com expect to pay for similar accommodation.Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and HoveIf the value of your property is included in the Phone: 0800 019 1310, lines are open Monday toassessment for your contribution, we can help with the Friday, 10am to 2pm cost of the care homes fees if you agree to enter into Email: info@ageukwsbh.org.uka deferred payment agreement. Under a deferred Website: www.ageuk.org.uk/westsussexbrightonhove payment agreement, any care home fees are usually paid back by selling your home and using the money Who makes decisions if you cant? to repay what is owed (the deferred payment). You No one else can make decisions about your financialcan choose to sell your home and pay off the deferred affairs, health and welfare unless you have given thempayment at any time. Or you can keep your home authority to make those decisions on your behalf. Theduring your lifetime and the deferred payment will be easiest and quickest way to make these arrangementspaid out of your estate after your death.is through a lasting power of attorney (LPA). This isWe charge fees to arrange and manage a deferred a legal document that lets you appoint one or morepayment. The fees cover the costs of legal fees, Land people, known as attorneys, to help you make decisionsRegistry fees and administrative costs. There is a one-or to make decisions on your behalf when you can nooff administrative charge of 670 and, if a property longer make them for yourself. If you want to appointvaluation takes place, you will have to pay a separate an LPA, you can only do this if you have the mentalcharge of 326. You will also have to pay an ongoing capacity to do so. If thats not possible, the court ofweekly administrative charge of 10.protection will need to be involved in the process.We will charge interest on the deferred payment in There are two types of LPA: linewith the national interest rate that local authorities #one for property and financial affairs; and cancharge. #one for health and welfare. The table below shows the rates that we will pay You can choose to appoint one type or both. There aretowards residential care. The rates are valid from two separate applications, and you pay two separateApril2024. (These are indicative rates, which means fees. You need to register the LPA with the Officethat they are not fixed.)of the Public Guardian before it can be used. Or the attorney can register the LPA for you. You will be toldCare homeWest Sussex if this happens so you will have a chance to objectCounty Councils to it. Unless you choose to instruct a solicitor to draftindicative rate for the application documents for you, there is no cost2024 to 2025to set up an LPA until you ask the Office of the PublicPerson who is frail with intensiveStandardGuardian to register it. If you are on a low income, youor complex physical care needs760.00may get the registration fee reduced. It can take at(Band P) Enhanced least 10 weeks to register an LPA. 850.00Person who needs specialistStandardResidential carelocal-authority funding dementia care (Band C) 875.00 If our assessment has shown that you need care in Enhanced a care home, you may be eligible for financial help955.00towards the cost of your care. We will work out thePerson with needs relating toAgreed on an amount you will be expected to contribute towards thesubstance misuse, learningindividual basiscost of your care according to a national set of rules. disability, mental health, This involves looking at your income, including mostphysical disabilitybenefits and pensions, your savings and investments, and the value of any property you own. Enhanced rates are paid for homes within the Adults Generally, most of your income will go towards theServices Northern area and Northern Chichester cost of your care. For every 250 (or part of 250) of(homes listed in this West Sussex Care Guide under investments and savings you have between 14,250Midhurst, Pulborough and Billingshurst, Eastbourne and 23,250, you will have to pay 1 towards theand West Lavington).cost of your care. If you have property, savings and Supporting you to live well23'