b'criteria set by the Department of Health. NHS CHCAbuse and neglect can sometimes be prevented if pays for care which can be provided for people livingconcerns are identified and raised as early as possible. in their own home or in a care home, nursing home or aIt is important that everyone knows what to look for, specialist health setting. If you are aged under 18, anyand who they can go to for advice and support.extra NHS support you need is considered under theChanges in someones physical or emotional state may National Framework for Children and Young Peoplesbe a sign of abuse. The checklist in the front of this care Continuing Care. For more information visit Continuingguide can help you know what good care looks like HealthcareSussex Health and Care (ics.nhs.uk). and when there may be a cause for concern. Abuse If you live in your own home, the NHS All-Age Continuingcan take many forms including physical, psychological, Care (AACC) Team will discuss an appropriate packagesexual, financial and organisational abuse, neglect, of care with you to meet your assessed needs. If youdiscrimination, domestic abuse, self-neglect and live in a care home or nursing home, NHS CHC will paymodern slavery. For more information on the types for your care home fees up to the amount that theof abuse, visit www.westsussexsab.org.uk/what-is-Integrated Care Board (ICB) assesses is appropriate tosafeguarding/types-of-abuse/.meet your health needs. It does not cover services suchIf you are concerned about someone you know who as chiropody, reflexology or hairdressing, or the cost ofmay be being abused or neglected, try to speak to you staying in a room that is bigger than you need. them if it is safe to do this. Tell them why you are If you are eligible for NHS CHC, your needs will beconcerned and ask them what they want you to do reviewed again after three months, and then everyabout it. Always try to get them to agree to get help. If year after that. If you live in a care home and needthey or you are too frightened to complain you can talk care from a registered nurse, but you do not meet theto someone who you trust, for example, your social care eligibility criteria for (or are no longer eligible for) NHSworker, district nurse, or an independent organisation CHC, you may be eligible for NHS-funded Nursing Care. such as Healthwatch (see page 26).NHS-funded Nursing Care Working together to keep people safeIf you live in (or are planning to move to) a careWe work with other organisations to try to make home that provides nursing, you may be eligible forsure that everyone who receives care and support NHS-funded Nursing Care (FNC). If you are assessedservices is safe from abuse and neglect. This includes as needing some of your care provided by a registeredarrangements for responding when safeguarding nurse, your local ICB pays this financial contributionconcerns are raised with us.direct to the nursing home. The NHS contributes toIf you report a concern to us, we will:the cost of a registered nurse providing, arranging or supervising your day-to-day care. #whenever possible, talk to the person at risk to find out what they want to happen;To check whether you are eligible for NHS-funded#support the person at risk to have an advocate Nursing Care, an assessor will carry out an assessment(someone to represent them) if they need one;to see whether you need nursing care. If you are eligible and living in a care home that provides nursing care,#respond professionally and sensitively and take your the NHS will pay 235.88 per week (rate as of Aprilconcerns seriously;2024) towards the cost of your nursing care. This rate#talk to the police if a crime may have been committed;is set nationally and the Department of Health reviews#talk to other agencies that need to be involved; andit each year.#agree the best way of helping, including other types For more information visit NHS-funded nursing careof support. Social care and support guideNHS (www.nhs.uk)If we need to carry out a safeguarding enquiry, we will:or Continuing HealthcareSussex Health and Care#work with the person and partner agencies to help (www.ics.nhs.uk). Or contact the NHS Sussex AACCkeep them safe;Team using the details below. AACC Team#make a plan to investigate the concerns; andWicker House, High Street, Worthing BN11 1DJ #check with the person that what they wanted to Phone: 0300 140 0069 happen has happened.Email: sxicb.aaccenquiries@nhs.netIf the person refuses help, but others may be at risk, we will need to take appropriate action. However, we Keeping safe from neglectwill always keep them informed about any action we andabuse decide to take.If you are concerned that you or someone you knowIf you have a concern that is not about abuse or neglect may be being abused or neglected, or is neglectingbut is about the quality of a care providers service, you themselves, please say something. No one shouldcan raise this with the Care Quality Commission.have to live with abuse or neglect. It is always wrong, whatever the circumstances.Supporting you to live well25'