b'about support that is available in your local communityMost schemes have care teams on duty 24 hours a on the West Sussex Connect to Support website. Visitday, seven days a week. This type of service provides an www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org and search underattractive alternative to residential care, where people Getting out and about. can maintain their independence and have their care needs met. Extra-care can be an alternative option to Housing with care and support residential care.One of the hardest decisions you might face involvesWe are encouraging both rented and leasehold choosing whether to stay in your current home or moveshared-ownership schemes so that there is a real to a new home which might be more suitable. choice of extra-care housing in West Sussex.The Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) provideExtra-care housing is not just for older people. It is also free and impartial advice on housing and care needs.suitable for working-age adults with disabilities and Their website at www.housingcare.org contains lotscare needs.of information to help you make informed choicesTo ask about extra-care housing in West Sussex, please about your housing needs. This includes advice oncontact our Adults CarePoint by calling 01243 642121 whether to move, and where to get good financialor using the Contact us form on the How to get adult advice, as well as up-to-date information on a range ofsocial care support section of our website. You can also accommodation and housing options throughout Westcall using Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from Sussex and in other parts of the UK. a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a The EAC also provide an advice line. computer, tablet or smartphone).Phone: 0800 377 7070 You can also contact housing providers direct. For more Sheltered- and retirement-housing options information about extra-care schemes, please visit www.housingcare.org.There is a wide variety of retirement- and sheltered-housing properties available in West Sussex, bothShared Livesto buy and to rent. These housing schemes provideOur Shared Lives Scheme is registered with the CQC. independent living for people who value the securityThe scheme consists of over 100 households where of living in a property that was designed with olderapproved, trained and highly skilled Shared Lives carers people in mind. Most schemes are restricted to peopleopen up their own family homes to provide long- or aged 60 or over, but this varies. Many people living inshort-term care and support. The Shared Lives Scheme this type of accommodation still live very active livescan be offered to any adult in West Sussex with assessed but welcome the fact that they are less likely to need tocare and support needs and, in some cases, to young move if their health or mobility deteriorates. people from the age of 16. The scheme is available to Sheltered- and retirement-housing properties arepeople with a range of different needs, including people available to buy on a leasehold basis or to rent throughwith learning or physical disabilities, mental-health some local authorities and housing associations.needs or dementia, and vulnerable older people.To find out about vacancies in local-authority andShared Lives can provide:housing-association schemes, please contact your local#longer-term accommodation and support; district or borough council. You can find details of most#short breaks (for example, to give the main carers sheltered- and retirement-housing schemes in Westa break, to support people as they move towards Sussex at www.housingcare.org. adulthood, and in emergency situations); andExtra-care housing #day-time support involving sharing the home, family Extra-care housing is designed to be a home for life forand community life of the Shared Lives carer. people with care and support needs, including thoseThe scheme works to:with a health condition that may deteriorate over time. #support people to be actively involved in their local Extra-care housing creates an environment where youcommunity;can live independently at home, without being socially#enable people to live the life they choose;isolated or struggling to cope on your own. #listen to people and treat them with respect, Extra-care housing is fully self-contained with either onekindness and dignity;or two bedrooms, and with level access which makes it#support people to live in a place they can call home; suitable for those with limited mobility or a wheelchair.#make sure people have a say in every aspect of their Bathrooms have accessible showers, and other featurescare and support; are carefully designed to promote independence. #support people to maintain friendships and Many schemes will also include a restaurant, residentsrelationships, as well as to make new ones; andlounge, facilities for activities and services, gardens and#support people to maintain their health and growing areas. Extra-care flats are available to rentwellbeing.and buy, through leasehold shared ownership.Supporting you to live well19'