b'Looking after your healthAs well as keeping active, there are other things you can do to help you stay fit and well, such as taking andwellbeing advantage of preventative measures like flu and We know that people value their independence, andcoronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations, health checks most want to live at home for as long as possible. and screening.People who maintain their independence also benefitFlu vaccinations from increased confidence and self-esteem, as well asSeasonal flu is a serious infection which occurs in all a sense of purpose and quality of life. parts of the world. The flu vaccine offers the best Looking after your health and wellbeing can help youprotection against flu, and each year many people to manage your day-to-day tasks more easily andbenefit from receiving a free vaccine on the NHS.means you are more likely to be able to stay living atThe vaccine is safe, effective and protects against an home for longer. In this section of the guide, you will findillness that can be serious. If you are eligible, the NHS useful information about the simple things you can dorecommends that you have the free NHS flu vaccine to make sure you remain as physically and mentally fitevery winter to protect you and other vulnerable people. aspossible.You can get the free NHS flu vaccine if you:West Sussex Wellbeing #are aged 65 or over; West Sussex Wellbeing is a friendly and impartial#have certain long-term health conditions;service that can support you to make improvements#are pregnant;to your health and wellbeing. Most of the services are#live in a care home;provided free or for a very small charge. Teams in your local area can provide advice and support on how to#are the main carer for an older or disabled person, make changes to improve your health and wellbeing,orreceive carers allowance; orsuch as stopping smoking, becoming more active,#live with someone who has a weakened losing weight and reducing the risk of falls. For moreimmunesystem.information, visit www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk. Speak to your GP or specialist if you have a health Maintaining a healthy body condition and youre not sure if youre eligible for a free There are many benefits of being more physicallyflu vaccine.active in our day-to-day lives. Increasing your activityFront-line health and social care workers can also get a levels will not only improve your physical health, butfree flu vaccine through their employers.also your mental wellbeing, helping you to lead a moreFlu vaccines are usually available from your GP practice. enjoyable and independent life. Your local pharmacy may also offer this service. For People who exercise regularly feel fitter, are morefurther information and to check whether you are relaxed, have more energy and lower their chanceseligible for a free vaccine, visit the NHS website at www.of developing a range of conditions, including heartnhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/flu-influenza-vaccine.problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression. Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinationsFor more information about how you can increase yourThe coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are safe and activity levels, visit www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk. effective. They give you the best protection against 6Living well in your community 2024/25'