b'COVID-19. Make sure you have the most up-to-dateThe following websites may also be helpful.information about COVID-19 vaccinations, and how#Mindwww.mind.org.uk/information-supportto book your jab, by visiting www.nhs.uk/conditions/ #West Sussex Wellbeing covid-19/covid-19-vaccination/. www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk (in the Healthy For more information on vaccines offered in the UK mind section)and when to have them, visit #Togetherallwww.togetherall.com/en-gb/www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations. #5 steps to mental wellbeing: NHSwww.nhs.Health checks and screening uk/mental-health/self-help/guides-tools-and-activities/five-steps-to-mental-wellbeing/NHS health checkThis is a national programme for people aged 40 to 74 that assesses the risk ofIf you use a smartphone, you can contact local mental-developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidneyhealth services by downloading the Hub of Hope app disease. The free 30-minute check can help identifyand using your postcode to search for local services. if you are at risk of developing these conditions andYou may also find the following free apps help your offers advice on how to reduce the risk. mental wellbeing. You can download these onto your mobile device. Please visit www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk/ #Thrive Mental Wellbeinghealthchecks for more information about what happens in an NHS health check and to find your nearest provider.#I amDaily AffirmationsYou dont need to wait for an NHS health check if you#Calm: Sleep and Meditationhave any concerns about your health. Please contact your GP for an appointment in the usual way. Preventing fallsHealth screeningScreening is an important wayFalls can lead to injuries and loss of confidence and of finding out if you are at higher risk of a healthindependence. Increasing your activity levels will help problem so that you can receive information or earlyyou to reduce the risk of a fall, by improving your treatment. Screening is offered to different sections ofbalance, co-ordination, bone strength and flexibility.the population, and includes breast, bowel, cervical,Making sure you wear well-fitting shoes and slippers diabetic eye and aortic abdominal aneurysm screening.with a good grip can also help to prevent falls. For more information, visit OurWest Sussex Wellbeing website provides advice www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-screening/. and support to help you increase your activity levels Health checks for people with awith exercise, and suggests simple steps you can taketo stay steady on your feet. Visitlearningdisability www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk/topics/falls-prevention.People aged 14 and over with a learning disability canThere are many simple adjustments that you can make have a free NHS health check at their GP practice eacharound your home to help prevent falls, such as making year. You or your carer can contact your GP and asksure rugs have a non-slip underlay, keeping the stairs to be added to the learning disability register. You willclear and tidying away trailing cables.then be invited to attend a yearly health check.For Easy Read information explaining what happensFor more information about preventing falls, visit the at a yearly health check, visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/ following websites.learning-disabilities/annual-health-checks. #www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org(search Health and wellbeing)Mental wellbeing #www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk/topics/falls-Your mental health is just as important as your physicalpreventionhealthand the two are often linked. There are many#www.nhs.uk/conditions/falls/practical self-care tips to help you improve your mental wellbeing. Visit www.westsussexconnecttosupport. Eating wellorg and go to the How to live well with a healthEating well helps you stay active and get more out condition or disability section to find out more. A smallof life. This means regularly eating a nutritious and conversation about your mental health has the powerbalanced diet and drinking plenty of fluids. A healthy to make a big difference. diet can also improve your mental health.Dont brush it under the carpet is a campaignIf you are struggling to eat healthily, manage your launched by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundationweight or make meals for yourself, there is support Trust in 2023 to improve emotional wellbeingavailable on the West Sussex Wellbeing website at in older people. You can find out more at www. www.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk.sussexpartnership.nhs.uk/about-us/news-events/ If you cant open tins, stand for long periods or pour the latest-news/dont-brush-it-under-the-carpet. kettle, there are many pieces of equipment that could help to make these tasks easier. To find out whats Supporting you to live well7'