b'Care home with nursing direct. If the extra payments are going to stop for any We pay 875 (standard) or 925 (enhanced) a weekreason, you or the other person should contact us for for the personal care and accommodation of a personadviceimmediately.in a care home with nursing. If you are moving intoFor more information on all charges and fees, please a nursing home and an assessment shows that yousee our booklet Choosing and paying towards care in a need care from a registered nurse to meet your careresidential or nursing home at www.westsussex.gov.uk needs, the NHS-funded nursing care contribution (see(search under Adults social care publications). Or you page 25) is paid direct to the care home by your localcan ask for a paper copy of the booklet by contacting Integrated Care Board (ICB). our Adults CarePoint by calling 01243 642121 or using the Contact us form on the How to get adult Personal expense allowance social care support section of our website. You can also If we pay for your care, you are entitled to a personalcall using Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from expense allowance of 30.15 a week to spend as youa textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a choose. However, the Department of Health says thatcomputer, tablet or smartphone).you should not use this to top up the care you receive or to pay for services which the care home should includeExample: A care-needs assessment carried out as part of your care. with Mrs Y and her family has identified that the What is included in the fees for a care home? best way to meet Mrs Ys needs is in a care home. We have carried out a financial assessment and Generally, care home fees cover all the normal thingsfound that Mrs Y, who has dementia, should a registered care home or nursing home would becontribute 188 a week towards her care home expected to provide for you. The care home should notfees. Currently, the usual rate we will pay for a normally ask you to pay any more for your daily livingplace in a care home providing dementia care is costs. You may, however, have to pay extra for things875. We support the family to choose a home like hairdressing, dry-cleaning and newspapers. Youwhere there is a vacancy, and which can meet Mrs will have to pay for your own personal items such asYs needs and accepts our rate of 875 (which clothing and your choice of toiletries. includes Mrs Ys contribution). However, Mrs Y Top-up and third-party contributionsand her family choose another home that charges 905 a week. For Mrs Y to be able to take the (someone else paying a contributionplace at the home of her choice, someone else (a towards your care costs) third party) will need to agree to pay 30 a week You may still choose to go to a home that costs moreto cover the extra cost.than the amount of funding you are entitled to if(905875 = 30)someone else, such as a relative, friend or charity, agrees to pay the extra amount for as long as you are in the home. This is called a third-party contribution orHow do I find and choose a care home?a top-up. There are some limited circumstances whereYou can either look for a care home yourself or contact you can pay the difference yourself (this is known as aus for advice. We can also give you information about self-top-up), and your social care worker will discusscare homes in different parts of the county to help you this with you if it applies to you. decide which will best meet your needs. Contact our Under this arrangement, the other person (or you if youAdults CarePoint by calling 01243 642121 or using are paying a self-top-up) pays the difference betweenthe Contact us form on the How to get adult social our assessed personal budget and the actual costcare support section of our website. You can also call of the care home. We may try to find you alternativeusing Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 (from a accommodation if you or the other person fails to pay atextphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded onto a necessary top-up. computer, tablet or smartphone).Before someone agrees to pay a contribution towardsYou may also be able to get information and help from the cost of your stay in a care home, they should besome voluntary organisations, for example Age UK aware that the amount could change at any time. West Sussex, Brighton and Hove. Please see Useful We need to check that they have enough money toContacts on pages 28 to 30 .pay the top-up, so we will ask them for information onYou can also visit www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org their finances. They also need to be sure they will beand go to the Care options section.able to continue to make the payments for as long as isnecessary. NHS Continuing HealthcareIf someone is willing and able to pay the top-upNHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a package of care contribution towards your care costs, and we agreethat the NHS arranges and pays for. It is available for to this, we will ask them to sign an agreement. Wepeople who are assessed as having high-level ongoing will then collect the extra money from that personhealth needs (a primary health need) and meet the 24Living well in your community 2024/25'