b'Further information for your place in a care home, you can choose any Contact us at Adults CarePoint by phoning home as long as:01243 642121 or using the Contact us form on#the accommodation is suitable for your the How to get adult social care support sectionassessedneeds;of our website. You can also call using Relay UK on#the cost of your care is not more than the amount 18001 01243 642121 (from a textphone or thestated in your personal budget for accommodation NGT Lite app downloaded onto a computer, tabletof that type or, if it is more expensive, you or or smartphone). Or you can contact our Shared Livessomeone else on your behalf agrees to cover the Scheme direct.extra cost for the full length of your stay;Phone: 0330 22 25700 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm#the accommodation is available; andEmail: sharedlives.dutyworker@westsussex.gov.uk#the provider of the accommodation is willing to enter Website: www.westsussex.gov.uk/sharedlives a contract with us to provide the care at the rate stated in your personal budget.Care homes and care homes At the front of this guide there is a checklist of the with nursing things you may want to consider when making your choice. It may be helpful to take the checklist with you The decision to leave your home and move intowhen visiting care homes.residential care is not an easy one, and it can take some time to adjust to the change. As a quick guide, you may want to consider:Before considering moving into a residential care home,#the current CQC report and rating for the home;we strongly recommend that you look into all of the#whether there is a registered manager;options that are available to support you to live safely#whether the staff seem caring and attentive;at home. Wherever possible, care and support services#whether the residents seem happy and involved; andwill help you to continue living at home (see page 16). #whether there is clear information on how to make Other options include sheltered or extra-care housingacomplaint.(see page 19). These can help you to maintain some independence with the added security of regular careWhat kind of accommodation can I expect?and support when you need it. A care home will normally offer you a single room. If you do decide that a residential care home or aSome homes will offer you your own bathroom, but in care home with nursing is the best option for you, thisothers the bathroom and toilet are shared. As well as section will help you to make informed decisions. your room, the care home will provide a lounge, dining room and other shared areas.We strongly recommend that you get specialist financial advice on paying for long-term care as soonHow do I pay for the care?as possible. Please see information about the CarewiseIn West Sussex many people who move into a care home care funding scheme on page 22. can meet the costs themselves from their investments, Residential care home savings, benefits, pension and other income.Staff at a residential care home can help with personalOther people who have more limited investments care such as washing, bathing or showering, getting upand savings may be eligible for financial help from us and getting dressed, and can support you with eatingtowards the cost of care.and drinking. Help is available 24 hours a day andThe fees charged by care homes vary considerably. It meals are provided, usually with a choice of main meal.is sensible to compare the fees of different homes and Activities and outings are usually available, and visitorscheck what items and services are included within the are always welcome. fees and what they charge extra for.Care home with nursing Paying for your own care if you have Care homes with nursing generally care for people whoinvestments and savings of more have complex or changing care needs and need the sortthan23,250of care that can only be provided under the supervisionIf you have more than 23,250 in investments and of a qualified nurse. By law, care homes with nursingsavings (this may include the value of your main or only must have a qualified nurse on duty 24 hours a day. Inhome) and can afford the full cost of your care, you can West Sussex, most care homes with nursing are ownedmake your own arrangements to go into the care home and managed by independent organisations. of your choice and pay for the care you need. Whatever Can I choose the care home? your personal financial circumstances, you may be eligible for some financial help from the Department If you are paying for your care, you can choose anyfor Work and Pensions (DWP).home that you can afford to pay for. If we are paying 20Living well in your community 2024/25'