b'for them. It can also support people to stay in their ownDay services can include:homes rather than moving to long-term residential care. #specialist support if you have complex needs;Further information #support with personal care and medication;#support to help you regain, improve or maintain daily Adults CarePoint living skills and mobility;Phone: 01243 642121#support to meet new people, make and maintain Call using Relay UK: 18001 01243 642121friendships, and take part in social activities, (from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloadedincluding hobbies and interests, to reduce isolation;onto a computer, tablet or smartphone) Website: www.westsussex.gov.uk #support with building your confidence and being (fill in the Contact us form under How to get adultpart of the community (this may include support to social care support)travelindependently);West Sussex Connect to Support #work experience, learning and training; andWebsite: www.westsussexconnecttosupport.org #a main meal and refreshments.Independent Lives To help you regain your independence and get support A user-led charity, working with people with supportto meet your needs within the wider community, needs and their carers to help people to lead full, activeservices will be available on a short-term basis. and independent lives. They currently provide directHowever, we can provide some specialist support if you payment support services. have long-term or complex social care needs. Some Phone: 01903 219482independent organisations also provide similar services.Email: feedback@independentlives.orgThese services are aimed at older people, people with Website: www.independentlives.org dementia, adults with a learning disability or autism, Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove people who may have a physical disability, sensory Phone: 0800 019 1310impairment (sight or hearing difficulty), memory loss or Email: info@ageukwsbh.org.uka brain injury.Website: www.ageuk.org.uk/westsussexbrightonhove We may need to assess your needs before you can use Citizens Advice the day services that we provide and manage. Other Adviceline: 0808 278 7969independently managed day services may accept Available 9.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.you without an assessment. For more details, please Freephone from consumer landlines and mobiles.contact the relevant day-services providers or contact Website: www.advicewestsussex.org.uk our Adults CarePoint by calling 01243 642121. You can also call using Relay UK on 18001 01243 642121 Directly Provided Services (from a textphone or the NGT Lite app downloaded Directly Provided Services (DPS) offers a range ofonto a computer, tablet or smartphone). Or you can social care services which we run, including day supportuse the Contact us form on the How to get adult and day opportunity services. social care support section of our website. Day support and day services can help you stayThere is more information on the West Sussex Connect to independent and can give your carers a break. The focus isSupport website at www.westsussexconnecttosupport.on providing a more local and community-focused service.org/directly-provided-services/day-opportunity-services/introduction/. You can also find information 18Living well in your community 2024/25'