b'The PatchCaredifferenceCaremark (Pulborough) are proud of their innovative new PatchCare service, which delivers responsive, flexible, high quality care, help and support, in the comfort of a clients own home.These clients benefit by receiving the care they30-minute calls a day and another two-hour weekly need, when they need it, through a small group ofcall for carers to complete her food shopping.PatchCare assistants. These specialist carers areThis client has told us how much better she feels assigned to a set geographical area enabling themboth mentally and physically. In addition to the to be more responsive than traditional in-homecare and support she receives at home, she now care, which work more towards set appointments.goes out for regular walks with her carers, losing Here is what a family relative had to say aboutweight, getting fitter and stronger. Her pedometer her Caremark PatchCare assistants: I would justshe has started wearing tells her of how well she is like to acknowledge how wonderful my sistersachieving her fitness goals, by counting her steps carers are. They go above and beyond to makewhile gaining more and more independence. sure my sister has everything she needs. They areOne positive outcome in particular for this client always cheerful and chatty. No fault can be foundis that she is completing her own grocery shop with the service these two ladies provide. I amnow, rather than sitting at home while the carers extremely impressed. previously completed the task.These PatchCare assistants visits can make allThis positive case of physical and mental health the difference on both physical and emotionalimprovement is far from a unique story from our levels. From a few hours a week to multiple dailyPatchCare clients, because, in our Patches, visits, our clients enjoy all the regular care theyour clients are reaching goals that they felt they need, when they need it. could not previously and they are continuing to We have so many positive outcomes from thissubstantially improve their wellbeing.uniquely flexible service, including one suchTo find out more around how this innovative client who switched to PatchCare from a moreapproach to social care could help you or a loved traditional care delivery, which included three setone, please call us on 01798 873 550. The Care Quality Commission hailed PatchCare an innovation and West Sussex County Council have included it in their Dementia Strategy 20202023.54Living well in your community'