b'Residential nursing care, rehabilitation, respite and award-winning end-of-life care forphysically disabled ex-armed forces personnel and their immediate families. How we are helping Steve However, our physiotherapy, occupational therapy and Ex-Royal Engineer, Steve, was involved inspeech therapy sessions an accident whilst out riding his belovedhave made a huge motorbike. He suffered a severe braindifference. injury which greatly affected his speech andSteve is improving paralysed one side of his body.every day and is Before coming to Care for Veterans inworking towards 2018, Steve was depressed and not makinghis goals for progress.rehabilitation.We provide first-class care for disabled veteransFor more information, call us on 01903 213458or visit careforveterans.org.ukGifford House, Boundary Road, Worthing, BN11 4LJThe Queen Alexandra Hospital Home since 1919 Registered Charity No. 1072334West Sussex Care Guide 2022.indd 1 27/04/2022 17:06 VLLVVL Vicicttoorriiaa L Looddggee D Deemmeennttiaia C Caarree H HoommeeVVictoria Lodge Dementia Care Home ,Worthing 1 4AS 484/85/05 0S hSahkaeksepsepaeraer eR oRaoda,dWorthing , W, Wesets St uSsussesxe Bx NB1N11 4AS 48/50 Shakespeare Road,Worthing , West Sussex BN11 4AS TeTle: l0: 10910930 32 0230034094 9 Tel: 01903 203049 wwwwww.v.ivcticotroiarilaoldogdegceacraer.eco.c.ou.ku k www.victorialodgecare.co.uk A speciecialalistist care care h homome ep rporvoidviidnign glo lnogn gte tremrm o rorThe m majoajorityrity o fo of uoru rro roomoms hs ahvaev ee ne-nsui-suitete A sp TheA specialist care home providing long term orThe majority of our rooms have en-suite respiteteaccaccomommmodoatidationo.n.facilitilies;ties; an adn dw ew e encoencouragurage e resiresidendentsts to t o respi facirespiteaccommodation.facilities; and weencourage residents to CoCmomfofrotabrtable, frile, friendendly lany and dacaria caringn atg atmmosphosphere erepersonalnaliseis eth tehier irro roomoms wis witht belh belonognignigns andgs and persoComfortable, friendly and a caring atmospherepersonalise their rooms with belongings and that is tis taiailolroed tred towards owards yoyuor lur lovoed ved onoesnes n eneds eedsfufurnrnituiture re frofromm h homome.e. that that is tailored towards your loved ones needsfurniture from home. anand wd wishishes.es.WeWe o fferoffer aa ranrange ge of aof actictivitviies ties anadn d supsuppoprot r tand wishes.We offer a range of activities andsupportresidents resi dentsto t oacc access ess the cthe comommmunuintyit.y.residentsto access the community.Southern area care homes123'