b'Call us on0800019 1310Social clubs and activitiesWe offer a wide variety of activities at our social centres and clubs across thearea that bring people together to have fun in a warm and welcoming environment.Telephone BefriendingDoorstep deliveriesWe have a team of befriendersWe can deliver groceries and ready to make calls to anyoneessential medication to yourfeeling lonely or isolated. doorstep as well as providemeal support.Emergency Welfareand Safety SupportWellbeing support We provide urgent help for the most We can share information onvulnerable or at-risk people as well healthy living, nutrition, hydration as offering respite for carers.and exercise. Dementia supportSocial PrescribingWe provide a range of services Our team supports people to to help people live with dementiaconnect to services within their in older age in a social and friendlylocal community promoting their environment as well as supportingoverall wellbeing.carers too.Working together, we offer a wide range of expert services and support to help youor your loved ones in later life. If we cannot help, we often know someone who can.Email us at info@ageukwsbh.org.uk @ageukwsbhSupporting you to live well35'