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Part 3: Odd jobs - Summer Carting, 1897

Wednesday 16th June 1897

Took a load to Cranleigh for Fawn[1]. My first acquaintance with the place but formed a good opinion of it. Seems a growing place and certainly is rather picturesque.
Friday 18th June 1897
Had a rare journey today with the mare for King and Chasemore. First to Bucks Green, then via the Haven and Five Oaks to Pulborough, over the river to Coldwaltham, then through very rough roads, or tracks, picking up boards. More fresh country for me. Seems an endless store of beautiful landscapes in Sussex, quite unknown to me.

Bridge over River Arun, GreathamBridge over River Arun, Greatham, near Coldwaltham, c. 1960,, reproduced with permission from West Sussex Past Pictures, Ref: PP/WDOAM/TD.db.AJ.169a, Rep: Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, Image credit.

Monday 21st June 1897
Been to “Carylls”[2], Faygate, today for Stephens with J. Greenfield and 3 others to put a cowl on kitchen chimney. Very hot!
Friday 16th July 1897
Working for W. Fawn this afternoon and at about 8 p.m. started with him for East Grinstead. Of course arrived there after everyplace was shut up. After several fruitless tries, managed to get the mare in an old shed and us three laid near by on straw. Felt rather rough next morning. Got all the stuff off rail and up at St. Margaret’s Convent by 12. Started home about 1.30, felt very queer myself, had a cold which seemed to get worse. With that and the effect of the sun, I was fairly knocked up. Got home and there I stopped all evening.
Tuesday 26th July 1897
Had a long journey with Davis for King and Chasemore to Thackham and Storrington via Shipley and back via Coolham, Barns Green and Broadbridge Heath. Very pretty country and fine hot weather. Yesterday had a terrier pup (Simon Peter) given to me by Rev. Rogers, Southwater.

Holy Innocents Church, Southwater, 1931Holy Innocents Church, Southwater, c. 1931, reproduced with permission from West Sussex Past Pictures, Ref:PP/WSL/PC006746, Rep: West Sussex County Council Library Service; Image credit.

Friday 6th August 1897
Drove to Rudgwick late this evening for Steam Laundry people they having had an accident with their pony and van. Just my luck for Friday evening.
Saturday 7th August 1897
Furniture removing for Smith, Park Street. We are rather slack just now so I have got a job for the 16th inst for Sendall Bros. at Selehurst.
Saturday 14th August 1897
Had a long and rather tedious journey today. Drove poor old Tinker to Rockhurst West, Hoathley (Sir R. Farrant’s place) with H. Clifford in the little van. Although we didn’t have a very good load, the job was quite enough for Tinker. Still, he managed it fairly well. Going out there I shoved my coat in a Grandfather clock and there I left it. Consequently it’s there now I guess.
After nearly a year of chimney sweeping and cartage work, Billy was taken on again as a painter at Sendall Brothers. While the work was irregular, Billy was glad to be back at his trade.
Monday 16th August 1897
Got to shop at 6.0 and walked to Selehurst with Mr Fred Sendall, Joe Goldsmith, Joe (?), Jack Sands and Albert. Arriving there, found a nice little job, all inside. Supposed to be six weeks work. Took lodgings at Mrs Bickers, CrabTree. Go home to dinner, breakfast and tea on job, make 11½ hours at 6½d. On the whole are very comfortable.
Saturday 21st August 1897
Week passed very well. Rather tame evenings as yet. Shall probably get used to that. Drew the first week’s wages I’ve had since last October. To my surprise and satisfaction, Sendall Bros. paid lodging.
Saturday 11th September 1897
Another week finished at Selehurst. Jack Sands and I been till now on rooms along the top corridor and the back staircase. The former finished “flat” and the latter in “varnish” green. Yesterday we started in the dining room. Very good job that. Today we had a “whip” for “old Annie” to acknowledge the many kindly and thoughtful actions etc. for our welfare. . In fact, a more generous hearted girl to painters I’ve never met. Nothing seems too much trouble and above all she treats all alike. Consequently, we mustered up 7/- and Joe J. and I bought a fur boa with the same. Have never known such a thing happen on a job before[3].
Week ending Saturday 2nd October 1897
Still at Selehurst. Finished the dining room and started the Butler’s Pantry, afterwards the scullery. Jack Sands laid up Friday and Saturday with gout.
Monday 11th October 1897
Arrived at Horsham [following a weekend up in London] just before 8, had a snack, changed and off to Selehurst. Got there by 9.30. Not very fit for work, still managed to pull through. Jack Sands and I are in the large window in the drawing room. Nearly the only job in the best part of the house… Friday afternoon, Willie brought the order for me to pack up and git. Am not sorry to leave here. Although we have had a nice comfortable job here, it’s not quite so pleasant now we are finishing up… On Saturday morning was sent to work at two cottages in Springfield Road (25 and 25a) belonging to Mr Elliott, quite a comedown after Selehurst.
Monday 18th October 1897
Went with Tilling to Captain Drummond’s new house “Ringley Oak”, Crawley Road disconnecting Housemaid’s sink from soil drain. Also there Tuesday morning, afterwards back to Springfield Road.
Thursday 28th October 1897
Finished at Springfield Road and was sent to the Firm’s new property in London Road, Brunswick Terrace.
Friday and Saturday 29th and 30th October 1897
At Brunswick House. Nearly all the firm there now.
Week ending Saturday 13th November 1897
Taken away from the Kings Head job and sent with Jack Garman to 2&3 Wellington Road painting fronts and a little inside. Today (Saturday) drove over to Gaveston Place with Fred Sendall to move piano and bring plant away as job there is nearly finished.
Monday 29th November 1897 and week following.
Caught 8.15 for Crawley with W.J. Sendall and E. Shell. The job is at Taylor’s, the Golden Boot, [painting] outside front. Very windy day so didn’t venture to get ladders up. Got lodgings at Mrs Penfold’s Jubilee Cottage, Princes Road, West Green.
Tuesday still cold and windy. In the evening, looked in at the White Hart. Found a concert on – Bonfire Boys. “Lije” and I assisted in sustaining the harmony (provided it’s allowed there ever was any).
Wednesday much better day. To Railway Assembly Rooms for football concert this evening. Not a very grand affair on the whole.
Thursday very cold.
Friday not much better.
Saturday morning, white frost prevented our getting on at all. Wanted to get top work done as I’m to be single-handed all next week.

High Street, Crawley, 1905High Street, Crawley (Golden Boot in foreground), c. 1905, reproduced with permission from West Sussex Past Pictures, Ref: PP/WSL/P002322, Rep: West Sussex County Council Library Service; Image credit.
Monday 20th December 1897
To Crawley for last time, finished job and was put off at the shop. Mustn’t grumble I suppose as I’ve had a very good run since August.

  • [1] William Fawn was a dealer in china (1891 and 1901 English Census)
  • [2] A 16th century manor house now converted into rental studio apartments.
  • [3] “Annie” was Miss E. Peacock, a servant at Selehurst.

  • Part 4: Odd jobs - Painting again, 1898

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