The Billy Hoad website is now complete and hosted by West Sussex
Record Office for the express purpose of adding to the 1,300 years
of information on the legal, administrative, social and family
history we already hold and make accessible to all those with an
interest in any aspect of life in West Sussex over the intervening
The information contained in the Billy Hoad website was, as can
be seen in the introduction page, collected and written by Tom
Prebble, one of Billy Hoad's relatives. When we were asked to host
the website we readily agreed; not only to ensure that the
information was not lost, but also to make sure it was made
available to the widest number of people that could benefit from
access to this wonderful family history, written with great
affection by Tom.
Local and Family History, the heritage of an area along with a
sense of time and place, the capturing of a flavour of a time gone
by; these things are all the life blood of a County Record Office
and this website adds considerably to the knowledge of the person
and the area.
Whilst preserving the information, along with the way the website
grew during its design by both Tom and his web designer Sam
Spencer, it was inevitable that some changes would be needed to fit
in with the County Council's software, Equalities and Accessibility
standards. I would like to assure everyone enjoying this treasure
trove of information that none of the spirit of this design was
lost, or any information changed.