Wartime West Sussex 1939-45
These pages have over 700 digitised sources about life in West
Sussex during World War II. They include photos, official leaflets,
book extracts, newspaper articles, letters, diaries, original
records and recorded memories. The content is suitable for anyone
interested in the period and particularly for schoolchildren,
students and teachers preparing work for History Key Stages 2, 3
and 4.
The project has been financed by the Heritage Lottery Fund and
published by the County Library Service, with much support and
material supplied by West Sussex Record Office. Any source may be
downloaded, saved and printed for educational or private use free
of charge, but you must obtain our written permission to re-publish
them in print or online.
Sources on: Air raids, Battle of Britain, Canadians, D-Day, POWs and Refugees, Evacuees, Home Guard and other volunteers, Invasion, Home Front, Rationing, VE and VJ Days, Women at War.
Download resources, with teachers notes and ideas for lessons, on: The Great Escape, Petworth School Bombing 1942 and Women at War.