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Part 8: Letters from the Goldfields - 3rd February 1897

Box 35
Post Office
West Aust.
3 February ’97
Dear Billy,
Many thanks for your kind letters and numerous papers. I received all safely on my return here from Sydney. I fancy if I had known things were going to be so bad I would have stayed away a bit longer. In fact, Billy, things have got to such a turn that, though we only came back on the 26th January, Tom B. cleared out disgusted last Sunday the 31st January for good. Don’t know where he has gone to but I shall hear shortly I daresay. I don’t know what to make of things hardly and how things will go now. And of course, Tommy going away like that too upset me after the time we have been chums and of course being out of graft myself.
This Exemption business is the curse of the goldfields. If it isn’t stopped it will lead to riots here. The other day three men “bailed up” a manager going out our way and robbed him of £725 (a fortnight’s wages for the mine). Haven’t caught anyone yet and plenty of revolver business too.
Coolgardie DryblowerCoolgardie Dryblower, Photo credit

I don’t like clearing out of it after what I have lost. Must try to stay and save a bit. If I only get my own back I wouldn’t mind. One thing, it’s not my fault that I am out of pocket coming here. I have had enough to break anyone’s heart. Still, must try and look at things the other way though that not easy to do.
I am writing to Nell and Bern this mail so you needn’t let Bern see this letter. He might think I was very much down in the dumps. How I wish I could have been with you at Christmas and I would have forgotten my bally troubles. You want to be a cheat, a rogue and everything  that’s rotten to get on here. If things don’t brighten up I’m afraid England won’t see my for a while though I wouldn’t stay in this godforsaken hole. You can have no idea Billy what things are like here. Must shut up growling, old man. Trusting you are in excellent health and spirits. Kind regards to your Father and Mother and any friends of J. Manville etc.
With kind regards and best wishes to self
Believe me, your sincere Chum
Arthur J. Baker
Excuse the scrib., old man, also growls, Arthur

  • Part 9 - Letters from the Goldfields - 2nd June 1897

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