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Part 5: Letters from the Goldfields - 5th October 1896

Box 35
Post office
Western. Aust.
“Star of the South” G. Mine
5 October 1896
My dear Billy,
Many thanks for your kind letter of August 27 and for your good wishes and sympathy.
I assure you, old chap, I was heartily sorry to hear your Mother was so unwell but I trust things may turn out better than you anticipated when you wrote that letter. I shall be very glad to hear of an improvement in her health. I was glad to hear you have been kept on at Hampton and hope you will have a good turn yet.
As regards myself, I am still mining but things are not so bright as they might be. In fact I have had some hard luck but hope things may turn out better yet. Summer has set in awfully hot again and water is already 4d again. Don’t know how much we shall be charged before summer is over I’m sure, living is awfully dear. What a treat it will be to get back to the good old country again tho’ at present there seems no prospect of that. Must keep pegging away. Am glad to hear that I have at last got over the effects of the feverGold mining. It pulls a chap to pieces, don’t want any more.

Gold mining, Coolgardie, c. 1891

Was jolly glad to hear (in your last letter) that you had a trip to Horsham and that Bern was a treat. I had a letter two mails ago from him. About 3 weeks ago I rode down and saw Tom B (19½ miles). He was quite well and wished to be remembered to you. He is working at the Dunbar Mine. Must also thank you for the Reynolds sent last mail, old man. Neat to get a bit of news from a civilized country.
We have any amount of lizards etc. running about our camp now, some over 2 ft long. They get very tame and we don’t hurt them as they kill the flies (of which there are millions).
Think I must close as I have nothing to talk about just now. Kindly remember me when you are writing to your people at home. Trusting again that your Mother is much better accept my kindest regards and best wishes.

Believe me ever
Your sincere chum
Arthur J. Baker
Ps. Have just received another Reynolds from you. Please accept thanks for same, Yours Rekab

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