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Part 11: Letters from the Goldfields - 27th August 1897

SS “Bunningyong”
Western Australia
27 August 1897
My dear Billy,
I cannot tell you how delighted I was to receive your letter in Melbourne a fortnight ago. It has lifted a load off my mind, old chap, I can assure you I’m as happy as a king again. In the first place, Billy, I have you to thank for your great kindness. I don’t know what I should have done but for you and one thing is quite certain, I shall never forget it as long as I live and only hope I may be able to do as much for you some day. You seem like a brother to me and a jolly good one too. What sort of a time will you, me and Bern have when we get together again, it seems too good to be true. I’ll paint Horsham red. I’ve read your letter thro’ dozens of times of nights when we are plunging about at sea and tell you how truly a chap thinks more when he is far away (and at sea). However, if all turns out well here I hope to be among you before many more months and no one will be better pleased than myself when I turn my back on the “golden” country. I have got on well in this company (5 months) and am already in possession of the Store Room and the Bar and a good prospect of 2nd Steward next voyage. So you see, Billy, I have been going ahead tho’ in amongst strangers and wasters. There are no men out here for “chums” tho’ unless they are from “Home”. I had to sit on a few men here I can assure you and do a bit of scrapping to let them know I wasn’t a “Colonial”.
SS BuninyongSS Buninyong, built 1892, scuttled south of Barwon Heads 1926, Photo credit.

We are leaving here in a day or two again for Melbourne and I trust to hear from Bern and you there, ’tis a treat to get your letters. I saw Tom Bradford in Melbourne on the “Lusitania” just as she was leaving for home. I came running down the wharf just in time to get a grip of his hand and to send a message home. It broke my heart to think I was alone but hope soon also to get homeward bound.
Well, I think I must close now, Billy. Kindly remember me to all at home and give them my kind regards. As to yourself, accept my hearty best wishes and my heartfelt thanks for your kindness in every way both to myself and to good old Bern and believe me there’s no one appreciates your friendship more than Your sincere chum
Arthur J. Baker
Hope you are enjoying good health. I’m A1. AJB

  • Part 12 - Letters from the Goldfields - 12th December 1897

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