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Part 2: Billy on Bicycle

Saturday 28th May 1898
While working alone at Park Street job this morning, made up my mind to have a spin up to London this afternoon to hear opera if possible at Covent Garden. Weather being favourable, started of after 3 p.m., took the road to Crawley then up the main through Horley, Redhill, Mersham and Croydon. Great many cyclists on the road, principally going down. The only interesting points about them was they nearly all seemed intent on “getting somewhere before somebody”. There were certainly a few exceptions (mainly the better class of riders) who thought the country worth looking at. Rare lot of lady riders but very few had courage to don the Rational Dress. The pity of it is that, the prejudice and criticism of the “man (not forgetting the “boy”) in the street” condemn a woman to pedal along arrayed in such a device for catching the wind as a skirt. Certainly a deal of hostility comes from ladies themselves. A good deal is “gush” and mere echo. Those damsels most severe on the Rationalists are those whose nether limbs won’t bear exposure, I imagine.
Cycling in SussexCycling in Sussex, c.1905. Courtesy West Sussex Past Pictures; Ref: PP/STJSM’1983.56.19B; Rep: Steyning Museum; Photo Credit.

At Mersham Tunnel I fell in with a decent sort of fellow going my way as far as Croydon, and there I decided to go off my original course to get to Mitcham with the intention of calling on Mrs Pearce[1], so we rode there together. As time was getting on, put my machine up at Mitcham Junction and trained to London Bridge first having called at Clyde Cottage. Found Mrs P rather down but looking very well. Mr P still as big a fool as ever. Don’t know what he proposes to do now.
Friday 29th July 1898
Had a post card from Ockenden’s this morning to start at Lynwick so rode down on my bicycle. When I got there found they had no brushes for me so volunteered to go home and get some. Then my troubles began. Hadn’t got far when I got a beautiful puncture in hind wheel. Two young fellows who were passing kindly helped me mend it, then we discovered a bad place on front tyre. Meantime the other was still unsound. Had another go at mending it but on starting it soon gave out. The hole proved to be a very awkward one, close to the valve. End of matter was had to push the darn thing across country to Slinfold Station, take train to Horsham and return to Rudgwick by same means. Started work about 2 p.m. after all.
Saturday 20th August 1898
The weather being delightful this afternoon, made up my mind to have another spin to Dorking. So, after having done my booking and cleaned my ‘oss, started off (nearly 6 p.m.) Had very nice ride, called at Holmwood and arrived at Dorking at 7.20. Had some refreshments at Temperance Hotel then off back. Wished I had a mate.

  • [1] Billy’s friends, the Pearces, had moved to Mitcham early that year after Percy Pearce had resigned his job as groundsman at Lords Cricket Ground.


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