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Part 3: Billy at Worship - 1898-1899

Sunday 6th March 1898 (Back in Horsham)
Today, made my first appearance in public as a reader and singer, both great events of course. The first was at the monthly Sunday School service taken by Mr Tarring this afternoon and I read a short piece, Bern doing likewise. The second being at a “Social and Recreative Hour” after evening service. Bern and I sang “The Holy City” and “Rest in the Lord” respectively. The event of the evening was a description by Mr Busch of a visit to Chile and other South American countries.
Sunday 27th March 1898
Chapel this morning and Sunday School in the afternoon but this evening took into my head to go to the Parish Church, mainly to hear the Anthem. Was rather taken in as it did not happen to be a very pretty one. Thought the choir very poor, especially the trebles, very thin and flat. Afterwards attended choir practice.
Sunday 1st May 1898 (Hampton Court)
Felt rather tired so laid till 10 a.m. and after breakfast went to the service at the Temple Church. Enjoyed that very much. The place itself is very interesting. Belongs, I find, to the Middle and Inner Temples who apparently don’t stint their church of money or support. Very fashionable congregation, seats separated, but as good an Anglican service as I’ve been to for some time. Quite did away with my idea that the present tendency to overdo Ritualism was the last and only resource of the Church to make herself acceptable or palatable. Certainly the music was very good here as in the “high” churches, but all through the congregation could join in as they felt disposed, very elaborate sets of books being provided.
Temple ChurchTemple Church, The Queen’s London, 1896, p.30.

Sunday 30th October 1898 (Horsham)
Miss Dorothy Baker[1] at Chapel for first time. At first her behaviour was all that could be desired but later on was overcome by the popular tendency of the present day to b(r)awl in church. Consequently, she shared the fate of Kenset and other disturbers of public worship by being promptly ejected.
Sunday 6th November 1898
Went to tea with Humphrey Nash with the purpose of recording the Sunday School collection taken on September 25 last. It consisted of 1 half Sovereign, 1 Crown, 8 Half Crowns, 89 Florins, 23 Shillings, 19 Sixpences, 8 Threepences and 4 Pennies. Total of £4.5.10. A very creditable collection from so small a congregation. I don’t suppose the like could be gathered in any other place of worship in the town.
Billy joins the Committee of Horsham Free ChurchBilly joins the Committee of Horsham Free Church

Friday 17th March 1899
Had a fine choir practice this evening, quite a treat. As a sequel to the meeting of C.W.W. last Sunday evening, Margaret Gardner suggests that we should practice and have ready a few songs, quartets etc. for such occasions. ’Twould be a good thing to do, I’m sure. Should be only too glad of the chance. ’Twas only a week ago tonight that I knew I was wanted to sing on the Sunday evening and, of course, had nothing ready. But Bern and I went up to Mr Martens on Saturday evening and he kindly ran us through a song or two. At the meeting, which was in the form of an informal discussion on “books that have helped”, Bern sang “Rest in the Lord”, Miss G. an air from the “Messiah” and I “Nazareth”, all I’m afraid in a more or less indifferent way.

  • [1] Dorothy was Bernard and Annie Baker’s new baby.


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