1. An official leaflet Beating the Invader (text)
2. An official notice What to do in case of invasion (text)
3. Anti-invasion measures in South Harting (book)
4. Children help to fill sandbags on Bognor beach (photo)
5. Coastal defences in Bracklesham (book)
6. Concrete blocks in front of the Dome, Worthing (photo)
7. Concrete blocks near Findon church (photo)
8. Gun emplacements on Worthing seafront (photo)
9. Invasion defences in Worthing (diary)
10. Naval officer inspects mine on Bognor beach (photo)
11. Notice warns of mines on Rustington beach (photo)
12. Partial dismantling of the pier Worthing (photo)
13. Scaffolding defences on Lancing seafront (photo)
14. Sketch of German invasion plans (map)
15. Soldiers place barbed wire on seafront Worthing (photo)
16. Soldiers set up a gun in a garden, Bognor (photo)