1. Air battles over Bognor Regis (newspaper)
2. Air battles over Worthing (diary)
3. Battle of Britain over West Wittering (book)
4. Bombing attack on Ford airport (photos)
5. Burial of German airmen at Steyning (photo)
6. Captured German pilot in Chichester (photo)
7. German plane shot down over Shoreham (newspaper)
8. Plane shot down in Chichester area (newspaper)
9. RAF pilot mobbed by cheering crowd (newspaper)
10. RAF Tangmere during Battle of Britain (book)
11. Shot-down German plane and dead crew member at Pagham (photos)
12. Shot-down Messerschmitt near Shoreham (photo)
13. Shot-down RAF pilot comes ashore at Bognor (photo)
14. Worthing pilot shoots down 21 enemy planes (newspaper)
15. Wreckage of RAF plane in Bognor Regis (photo)
16. New Ventures Battle of Britain project - interview summaries