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Wartime West Sussex 1939-45

Olive Miles

Olive Miles was 12 when the war started and was evacuated with her sister from Tooting in London to Chichester. She stayed for 3½ years and her parents came to visit once a month.

Olive enjoyed her time in Chichester and after the war she joined the Women's Land Army and came back. She met her husband and finally settled in the area.

1. Olive Miles recalls the air raid shelters in London
2. Olive Miles remembers gas masks and air raids
3. Olive Miles remembers the different billets she had in chichester
4. Olive Miles recalls watching the Battle of Britain from Chichester
5. Olive Miles talks about her experience of being evacuated from London to Chichester
6. Olive Miles talks about her schooling in Chichester
7. Olive Miles talks about food rationing
8. Olive Miles remembers being on fire watching duty when the first doodlebugs came over London
9. Olive Miles (right) with her sister Phyllis Bird when they were evacuees
10. Olive Miles (third from right) with her sister and other evacuees pose with spades whilst digging for victory
11. The Dodd family with Olive Miles (back row, far right). The Dodd family looked after Olive whilst she was an evacuee

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