Petworth bombing
Around 32 people (28 boys) were killed when a Junkers 88
dropped bombs on Petworth Boys School on 29 September 1942. Why did
this shocking tragedy happen? Did the Nazis target a supposed
top-secret meeting at Petworth House, was it a planned attack to
undermine civilian morale or was it an unintended wartime
Students are invited to study contemporary documents and
eyewitness interviews to draw their own conclusions. Students are
also encouraged to understand that, whatever the cause, this
tragedy had a lasting impact on all involved and is still felt to
this day by many in the village.
1. Petworth Scheme of Work
2. Petworth School Case Study summary
3. Worksheet 1
4. Source A - Map 1 Petworth Boys School Site 1875
5. Source B - Map 2 Petworth Boys School Site 1912
6. Source C - Map 3 Petworth Boys School Site 2011
7. Source D - Photographs 1-10
8. Source E - Action Officers' Minute Book
9. Source F - John Wakeford oral account
10. Source G - Mrs Redding oral account
11. Source H - Article from Midhurst, Petworth and District Times 3 October 1942
12. Source I - Tony Penfold oral account
13. Source J - Memoir of Mr Turner (1949)
14. Source K - Canadian Officer memoir (1995)
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