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Victorian West Sussex

Learning activities

Starter activities

Starter activity Sa (Links to any main activity)

Divide the class into 6 groups. Each group to take one of the newspaper extracts. Give the groups 5-10 minutes to read through the quotes and then feedback to the rest of the class a summary of what their extract is about.

Starter activity Sb (Links to Mb)

Explain to the children that a tragedy occurred in Worthing in 1893. How would they find out about it? (Thinking about sources.) Teacher to guide the children through Pall Mall Gazette extract (either one) and model asking key questions and answer to aid the children's understanding.

Starter activity Sc (Links to any main activity but particularly to Ma and Mb)

Look at a relevant website to show the effects of drinking unclean/polluted water. (Teacher will need to source this but suggested sites which may be useful: Wateraid, Oxfam, CAFOD, Save the Children. The document below published by Wateraid informs of diseases related to dirty water; typhoid is mentioned on the 2nd page.)

Supporting document

Main activities

Main activity Ma (Links to any starter activity)

Look through the picture sources together if not already done so. Children to imagine that they are: 1) a child who has caught the typhoid themselves, 2) the son or daughter of a shop keeper, hotel owner or boatman, 3) One of Abraham Duffield's children. Write a letter to your grandmother describing what life was like in Worthing in the summer of 1893.

Main activity Mb (Links to Sb)

Children to then take the role of being an historical detective and find out as much as they can about what happened in Worthing in 1893 using the rest of the sources. Children to generate a list of questions on the board that they would want to find out the answer to. (Teacher to guide them to Who, What, Why, Where, When questions - they could use Mb Children's Activity Sheet.) Children to look through sources to answer these. (See related suggested Extension activity).

Main activity Mc (Links to any starter activity)

Children to complete the Mc Activity Sheets either in pairs or on their own using the sources. This can be done on the computers or printed off. Teacher to model how to fill in the sheet or guide the children through as a whole class activity.

Main activity Md (Links to any starter activity)

Children to use the sources to generate a Town Crier's speech - they will need to focus on the key facts of what has happened. Children need to sum up the events in less than 1 minute.

Extension activity - The Who, What, Why, Where sheet once filled in would provide an excellent frame for writing a newspaper article on the typhoid in Worthing. This could be completed on a computer to develop ICT skills such as formatting in columns, fonts, adding pictures and so on.

Plenary activities

Plenary activity Pa (Links to any main activity)

Every child to write 1 statement about the typhoid in Worthing on a piece of paper, for example 1 in 16 people died, Abraham Duffield had typhoid but lived. This statement can be true or false. Read the statements out loud and the rest of the class (in groups or individuals) to choose if it is true or false.

Plenary activity Pb (Links to Md)

Hear the Town Crier's Speeches. Children to evaluate how effective the speeches have been, for example have they included the most important facts and information quickly?

Plenary activity Pc (Links to any main activity but particularly to Ma)

Have a Hot Seat chair - Children to take turns to come and sit in the chair and explain who they are and what they have seen in Worthing in 1893.

© Copyright 2016 West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ.

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