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Victorian West Sussex

Learning activities

Starter activities

Starter activity Sa (Links to any main activity)

Ask the children what popular things there are to do in a seaside resort. From this information, the teacher could ask children to suggest connected jobs and write a list on the board, for example eat ice creams = ice cream seller. Sort into Victorian and non-Victorian jobs. Use Source 6a or 6b, guide book extracts. Add to the list other jobs learnt from the sources.

Starter activity Sb (Links to any main activity)

Look at a collection of local modern postcards (these would have to be sourced in advance). What information can be gained from looking at these both in terms of pictorial and written information? Compare to the Victorian picture sources of West Sussex seaside towns (note: more are available in the website's Source Gallery, search with keyword 'seaside'). What are the differences? What jobs did people do?

You may wish to source images of more industrial jobs such as mining or working in factories. Why were these jobs not found in West Sussex?

Starter activity Sc (Links to any main activity)

Discuss: Why do people visit the beaches in England? What do they do there? What do they expect to see? Why do people still come to the beaches in Sussex?

Explain that in Victorian times, Worthing was an important holiday resort. Ask children how we could find out about Victorian Worthing or other seaside towns - what sources could we use?

Look at Source 6a and 6b and discuss why Worthing became an important resort (beliefs that the sea was healing and so on).

Main activities

Main activity Ma (Links to any starter activity and plenary activity)

Introduce the sources on bathing (Sources 2, 3, 4 and 5). Ask the children to study in groups and give feedback. What is happening in these pictorial sources? Explain that 'taking the sea air' by walking on the beach and bathing in the sea or in baths became very popular in Victorian times.

From these sources, compile a list of jobs that this may have generated, for example handyman to fix machines, people to drag machines into and out of water, bath attendants, bath-chair operators, and such like.

Children to write a diary entry about being a character working in a Victorian seaside resort. Children to draw on sources to think about who they meet, why they have come to the resort/baths/bathing machines and so on. Less able children could role play a scene pretending that they are in character.

Main activity Mb (Links to any starter activity and plenary activity)

Working independently or in groups, children to complete activity sheets, either on paper copies using sources or on computers.

Main activity Mc (Links to any starter activity and plenary activity)

Study the sources in groups. Give the children a copy of a picture of Victorian Worthing, Bognor or Littlehampton (note: more are available in the website's Source Gallery, search with keyword 'seaside'). Explain that this is the front of a postcard.

Children to think about what they may have done if they had visited the resort as a Victorian. Fill in the back of the postcard to describe what you did on your holiday at the seaside. More able children could try and emulate the language drawn from the sources. Less able could design their own postcard picture to depict the Victorian scene. Share postcards at the end.

Main activity Md (Links to any starter activity and plenary activity)

Children to study the sources on bathing (Sources 2, 3, 4, 5, and the Bread's Guide Book section of 6a). Children to be detectives and try to discover the answer to the question 'What is bathing and why was it popular in Victorian times?' Feedback and discuss.

Children to then write an advertisement to persuade people to come and visit their bathing machines. Children to work in groups and draw on the sources for ideas and vocabulary.

Plenary activities

Plenary activity Pa (Links to any starter and main activity)

Discuss why West Sussex seaside resorts are not visited by as many people today as in the Victorian era? Why have jobs and facilities changed?

Plenary activity Pb (Links to any starter and main activity but particularly Md)

Discuss how seaside bathing has changed - change in modesty, change in belief about health benefits, rise in built swimming pools and so on.

Plenary activity Pc (Links to any starter and main activity but particularly Ma)

Share the children's work and discuss what they have discovered about jobs in Victorian seaside resorts.

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