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Victorian West Sussex

Source gallery

1. Advertisement for W. Hardham, Pastry, Cook and Confectioner, Worthing 1849
2. Engravings of items shown at The Great Exhibition 1851
3. Engraving of items shown at The Great Exhibition 1851
4. Engraving of items shown at The Great Exhibition 1851
5. Interior of the transept of the Crystal Palace 1851
6. South side exterior of the Crystal Palace 1851
7. Southern entrance to the Crystal Palace 1851
8. Report of 'Visit to the Great Exhibition by children of Worthing and Broadwater national schools on 8 july 1851'
9. Audio version of 1a report of 'Visit to the Great Exhibition by children of Worthing and Broadwater national schools on 8 july 1851'
© Copyright 2016 West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ.

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