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Victorian West Sussex

Learning activities

Starter activities

Starter activity Sa (Links to any main activity)

List on the board the places that the children go to be entertained, for example cinema, theatre and so on. How many of these do the children think would have been entertainment for a Victorian child?

Starter activity Sb (Links to Ma or Md)

Look at a local newspaper and ask the children to work out what people do to be entertained, for example Adverts for restaurants, theatre, concerts, bingo, and so on.

Starter activity Sc (Links to Mb and Mc)

Listen to Source 3b, and children to look at Sources 2 and 3a, the poster and the newspaper advertisement. What information can the children gather from these sources? What language are they not familiar with? Discuss. How is this different from what they would see in a newspaper today? Teacher could select and share modern local examples with the children.

Main activities

Main activity Ma (Links to Sa or Sb)

Study the sources about Victorian attractions. Write a version of 'What is on in our local town?' in Victorian times. Children could complete this as a newspaper article.

Main activity Mb (Links to Sa and Sc)

Webquest - Children to research and find out the meanings of the language used in Sources 2 and 3a, the poster and the newspaper advertisement. Children then to design their own poster. This would be an ideal activity to complete on the computer.

Main activity Mc (Links to Sa and Sc)

Children to have a copy of Source 3a, the newspaper advertisement (see Children's Activity Sheet Mc). Children to annotate around the edges of the advertisement what they can see. Can they identify what the entertainment was? Children to adapt the language of the advertisement to be more modern/easily understood.

Main activity Md (Links to Sa and Sb)

Children to complete a mind map with as much information as they can think of about Victorian versus modern entertainment. Decorate with pictures, colours, and such like.

Plenary activities

Plenary activity Pa (Links to any main activity)

What are the reasons for the differences between Victorian and modern entertainment? Discuss. How would you have felt as a Victorian attending an entertainment event? Teachers to try to get the children to empathise with the Victorians' awe at the 'newness' of the entertainment, for example seeing moving slides or an elephant for the first time.

Plenary activity Pb (Links to Ma, Mb and Mc)

Look at the children's newspapers/posters. Is it a successful Victorian poster? Is the language appropriate?

© Copyright 2016 West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ.

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